Wednesday, February 22, 2012


I lost Will in Walmart the other day. It was terrible. I lost Drake at Sea World, but that was only for like 1 min, and I found him going to the life guard to say he was lost as I was going to the life guard to say I lost him. That was a terrifing moment too, but losing Will was the longest 10 mins of my life....Here's the story, so Will sees a friend and wants to go say hi. I say no, stay with us. So we walk a little further, I turn a corner to look at something and turn around and Will is gone. He went to find his friend, and when he came back to where we were he started wondering in the opposite direction because he didn't know where we went. So I'm running up and down the aisle we turned off of (one of the main aisles) and calling him, and freaking out....I see a Walmart employee and tell them what has happened and they call Code Adam. I'm still freaking and running up and down the aisle. Then Taylor says mom, they're cancelling the Code Adam, and I'm freaking still... up and down pacing, when they come find me, and take me to Will (he was in the jewelry department) I can't say Thank you enough, I want to just hug all the Walmart people! But instead I'm bawling holding my bawling boy...He kept saying I thought you were going to leave without me. As we are finally walking/shopping again, he kept saying this. I stopped in the store and looked him in the eye and told him, I would camp out there before I ever left that store without you to make him understand. He got it.

I've been feeling lost lately. Lonely really. I don't get it. I guess it's the weather? I always wondered how someone could feel so lonely when so many people surround them. But now it happens to me more than it used to and well I really still don't get how I can feel so lonely/down when I have so many people surrounding me. I think it has to do with being liked and I feel really unliked right now. And left out. I know it's not true...But Max's sermons have really helped lately...I will get through this, it won't be easy, it won't be painless....and he brings me through these times for a reason...

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