Sunday, January 27, 2008

The Latest....=)

I didn't think I would make it through this weekend!! We have been so busy. The weekend always starts out crazy because Taylor has cheerleading practice on Friday night. This weekend was extra busy because we had two parties to go to on Saturday!! The first one was for my friend Jessica who just bought her house!!! Yeah!!! So we went to help her lay the sod in her backyard. Then it off to Fiesta Farm for a party for one our neighbor's niece and nephew. I am kicking myself that I didn't take my camera because I could have gotten some great pictures of the kids!!! They had goats that you feed, a sandbox, and pony rides!!! So everyone had a blast! Taylor loves to ride ponies, Drake thought feeding the goats was awesome, and Will played in the sand 90% of the time (he did come out to feed the goats and ride the pony!!)
Then Sundays, are just busy because you get up and go to church and then go home, eat lunch, take a nap, and then the day is pretty much gone!!!
I have been blogging on myspace, but I thought I would do something different. I have some friends that blog here and I always enjoy reading their blogs so I thought I would try to blog some here too, and this way more family could read about our fun days!!! hehehehe
So I guess that's all for now. I'll try and get some cute pics of the kids posted soon!!!