Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Labor Day Fun

I always feel like I should be on a lake somewhere on Labor Day. I don't really know why, we didn't really do it that much when I was a kid, but we did go to the lake. My grandparents even had a Party Barge (it is actually called that I looked it up!! and just in case you want to see for yourself--- http://www.gonnasonboats.com/suntracker.htm#three ) We would go out on that occasionally.....But I don't know that it was necessarily on labor day!!
So anyway...we just had a fun time at our house on this labor day. I set up the baby pools in the backyard for the kids and the sprinkler and we had a little picnic back there and then later grilled some hot dogs. It was a good day!

I thought these were too cute and wanted to share:

Will has been saying some of the cutest things lately. He has always amazed with the things that he comes up with but these are my favorites that I want to remember so I can think about it when he's in high school and remember how cute it was!!!
Actually, Mom,
They actually had this at the store!!
You know it?
I love you so so so much

Drake is starting to talk in sentences alot now too. I feel like he's growing up too fast!! But he does have to stay up with the big kids I guess. He thinks he's three just like his big brother, and if you ask him how old he is, that's what he tells you--"Tee"!!! And it's so cute when he says Willie...they are best buds....it was quite a surprize to get pregnant so fast after Will, but it has been great to have the two boys so close together because they are such best friends!!!