Thursday, May 3, 2012


I love my little house. I don't really care for my neighborhood, but do you really know an area before you move to it?? (okay yes sometimes, we would be moving to an area that we have lived before).
Our neighborhood is newish so it is still learning. We are in the beginning stages of thinking about maybe it's time to move to a bigger house. We have and still do discuss how to fit everyone here. Luckily everyone is still little enough that being so close and on top of each other isn't that big of a deal. But Taylor is getting older.... So that being said, these opportunities keep just kinda "falling' in our lap. Coincidence??? Or is God telling us something....
So please pray. We are going to "try" this recent one that has come to our attention. We are going to look and then we will decide if we should move forward. So we will have to figure out what to do with this small house, and I know that if it is fated to happen then with prayer and trust in God it will all be figured out.