Wednesday, January 28, 2009

So much to do...

So I'm planning a garage sale this Saturday. My plan was to clean out the house and I would have a huge garage sale. I set the day (to give myself a goal) and got started. And now it's three days away and I've lost all momentum!! I cleaned out every room except for the kid's room (well I did do some of Taylor's) and my room. And Jeremy did work on the garage a bit. There's still plenty to do out there. Oh well.
My room is the worst. There's no way I am going to get it finished by Saturday. At least Jeremy is taking the day off to help.
While we are on that subject....I hate this schedule, while it's nice to have him home on Mondays and Tuesdays, I hate him working Saturdays. I have to get up, load up the kids and drive him to work most Saturdays because we have something going on...But just not having him around on a Saturday is the toughest part I think. If Saturdays were not such a busy day otherwise I don't think I would mind so much. And that leaves me with 1 day to sleep in (Sunday). And I don't really get to just sleep that day either, because I have to get up at least by 9 to get ready for church. Now 9 is late and I am usually up by then anyway, but the fact that I have to rush around right after I get up is what I don't like. I like to be able to just lounge and take my time!! And I am not a good sleeper Or Nap taker, I don't really like to take naps, but somedays you just have to....Oh well...enough about that....
Saturday also is the day I pick up the girl scout cookies. I love girl scout cookies. I really don't like being cookie mom. I am going to have to beg one of the other moms to do it next year!! I will probably be making a trip to the girl scout office once a week from now until the end of Feb.--- Just to pick up more cookies. It's really not that far, but it is a 30 min. trip there and back. It's the closest place to get individual boxes-- all the others you have to get full cases. But I may just take advantage of that this year instead of driving all the way over there so much!!
Drake just bit my arm. He was playing but still, I don't know why he bites. Taylor did a little bit, but she stopped pretty quickly. I'm having a hard time with Drake and getting him to stop. He usually is just playing when he does it, so I'm not sure he realizes what he is doing.
I'm very disappointed that we didn't get more ice today. I know a lot of people don't like icy weather but I love it!! I enjoy cold for a few days anyway... Maybe I should move up North for the winter then I can see if I like it or not!!! We haven't had a good chance of ice like this in a LONG time. Oh Well. Maybe soon....
Taylor isn't doing Cheer this semester. I'm disappointed. But I think she needed the break. We will probably do it again this summer or soccer. She wants to try soccer for some reason!!
Not much else going on around here.
Here are some random pictures!!

Friday, January 16, 2009

My Car Inspection Saga

So the car inspection was due last month, but it was December and I forgot. Had other things on my mind...Anyway. On the January 5th, I took it to the Firestore close to my house. Why? I have no idea. It was close and I just wanted to get it done...BUT they wouldn't aprove the car because they said my parking brake was bad, it didn't hold in park or in gear at all. It would be $60 to repair the parking brake and the $14 to get the inspection done. Not that big of deal, but just couldn't afford to do it at the time. But they did also want to do a total brake inspection because they thought the brakes were bad....ugh.
So I say just give me my car and I leave. If I go back to them in 15 days, have them fix the parking brake I will get approved without having to pay the $14 again.
I take the car back yesterday afternoon. The guy pulls up my file. He tells me they can't just do the parking brake, the back brake pad is soo worn it's about to fall off. If it's that worn how come I don't have any problems stopping?? Anyway I got off track...He wanted me to pay $160 this time to get the brakes done so that I would be approved. This is just to do the back brakes they want me to do the front and the back which will cost $740 but the guy is trying to "work with me" I call Jeremy. He says just go. So I get my paperwork and leave.
I didn't want to have to pay the $14 again, but I thought that would be much better then getting pulled over and having to pay however much they are charging these days for having an expired inspection sticker!! So, I take it to one of those little inspection stations the ones where it's just a shack and you pull in and he basically makes sure your car is running and not a danger to the enviroment from the emissions...It took him maybe 15 minutes and he didn't even want to hear why there was an X on the back of the inspection sticker.
(The Firestone people told me that they were putting into "the system" and marking my car, and anywhere I took it would not be approved)
I think that if I wasn't such a nice person I would have gone back to Firestore and rubbed it in there face that I did get the inspection approved and told them things that a nice Christian Girl that I am should not ever say or even think.
So the point of my story is this...Don't take your car to Firestore. They will cheat you out of your money!! It feels good to let that all out...

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Happy Birthday Will!!

Today is Will's 4th Birthday!!

He was a good baby. Very laid back...He's a good boy too. Just loud but aren't all boys? hehehe He is a fun boy to be around. He is full of life and energy!! He loves Cars (all sorts but the Disney movie is his favorite!!), trains and animals. And he loves his family.
So today we did something that he would love... I packed us a lunch and we went to zoo. Will wanted to ride the train first so that's what we did!! It was so fun!!

Then we went in to see the animals. It was really nice because it wasn't crowded. I always have picked the most crowded days in the past, but today wasn't I was so thrilled!! And the weather was perfect!! It wasn't too cold or too hot!!

Then we came home and opened and played with our birthday presents!!
Then off to Nonna and PawPaw's for birthday cake. He wanted a pirate cake so this is what I came up with!!

It was a fun day and now I'm exhasted...I'm going to bed!!

Sunday, January 4, 2009

We love Jesus and Batman

The kids were watching something on TV. A commercial for Superman came on and the boys were all excited. Taylor says, "Boys, we don't like Superman in this house, he's an alien did you know that?, In this house we believe in Jesus and Batman."
Jeremy and I have taught her well.

I feel like I've done a pretty good job of shielding Taylor (and the boys) from all the Sex talk/showing of our generation. And I had this conversation relating to a teen show Taylor was watching that I don't like for her to watch:
Taylor: "Mom, I'm watching (show name)!!"
Me: "Okay, don't get used to it, I don't want you watching that show"
Taylor: "Why?"
Me: (thinking, Hmmm, do I say this...) "The girl in show is a role model for girls whether she wants to be or not, when you are on a kids/teen show like she is people are going to look up to you."
(looking to see if Taylor wants more...yes, okay how should I put this...)
"Well, she did some things--in life, not on TV-- that weren't very role modelish.......,she had a baby before getting married,"
before I could go on, Tay says.... "How did THAT happen?"
I don't know how exactly to approach that subject with her, is she old enough to know? Or should I keep shielding her. She has asked where babies come from, but all we've told her is that God brings them to people who are married!! And she hasn't asked again.

I didn't put the show name in because I don't want to make a big deal about who it was, if you watch the news it's not that hard to figure out. I'm not wanting to judge her in particular in anyway but she has younger and teen viewers and if we are trying to teach our teens to wait til marriage it doesn't help to have people that are their age and who they want to be like, to be in that kind of the spotlight. Oh well enough about that...

I hate to leave this on a sour note. So....
Will is turning 4 on Tuesday!! I am having a hard time getting used that fact!! =)
He's so big everyone thinks he's 4 already! =) And he keeps talking about getting to go to school and I'm just like slow down bub!!! =) They grow up too fast...

We went to Sea World for the last time last Wednesday. It was the last day they were open so I thought we should go. It was fun, we went to see the Polar Express 4-D Experience and it was really cool!! I would love to see the whole movie in 3-D now!! The glasses were a little too big for Drake but he looked so cute!