Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Guess what we did this weekend!!!

Yep, we went to the coast!!! Port Aransas to be exact. =) We just took a day trip. It's one of our favorite places to go!! So we went on Sunday, just because. We all needed the break, and it was sooo fun!! Then we came home and Monday was just awful (it started out okay but ended on a bad note.....) but that's another story....coming up...Taylor's Birthday is today!!! I'll post those pictures in the next couple of days!!! =)

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Happy Valentine's Day (a little late)!!!!!

I am terrible about keeping up with this thing...I think of cute things to write and the kids do and say such cute things that I want to put on here, but then things happen, (life) and I never make it to the keyboard to type them out!!!

This is such a fun time of year for Taylor. She loves her birthday!! And two of her closest friends have birthdays this month too, they are all like a week apart. So we have birthday parties every weekend for three weeks!! But it's soo fun!!

Drake is getting so big too. He's trying to talk as much as the big kids, but he can't quite form the words yet, so it's mostly gibberish, but it's soo cute. He grunts alot for what he wants now too, which can be annoying, but that's his age....=)

I still can't believe that Will is 3!! This is a picture of him with Jeremy's Taz, he had so much fun carrying it around one day, Jeremy said you can have it, so we would carry it around saying that his daddy gave him that Taz!!!

We have had some kind of stomach virus in our house. But it's clearing now. It just is really hard to have sick kids...I had to miss Ladies Bible Class yesterday because of it and I hate to miss it!! Oh well, we will be there next week!!! =)

Here's one more picture I took on Valentine's Day, it's so hard to get them all still at the same time!!!

Saturday, February 2, 2008

Just wanted to share some cute pictures from the week. They are kinda dark, my camera flash doesn't work that great!! Oh Well. I guess I should invest in a new camera......