Saturday, February 19, 2011


I'm trying to be positive I really am. I know the diet and the insulin makes me mean/grumpy. So I try to be positive/nice. But mornings like these are hard. The kids are being rude to each other, yelling, rude to me, and asking me to do things they can do themselves. I just want to go back to bed... which this morning I did. I hate having only one car and I'm mad at myself for not getting up and taking Jeremy to work this morning so we can get out!!

We've all had some sickness for the past three weeks and I'm so ready for it to be gone. Jeremy and I are still on antibiotics so I'm sure that's not helping things either. I hate that the only time I blog is to complain about what's going on around here. I can never think of anything interesting to blog about unless I'm super frustrated and need to vent.

I had to walk to the park in the drizzle to sign Taylor up for soccer. At least it stopped for the walk home.

So TIVO had a good deal going on, and we decided to save some money on cable and go for it. But I don't like it. I only used the cable for a few extra channels so I thought it wouldn't be so bad, but TIVO doesn't record as many shows at a time as the DVR did and so I don't always get my shows, and the ones that I still want to watch on the cable channel don't ever update their site with the latest episode. So annoying...And I can't watch anything in my room unless I watch on the cable, or XBOX which also limits my veiwing...But the TV in our was going out anyway. It just makes closing myself in here more boring is all. But I feel like I have to do that a lot these days to get away from the yelling and annoying questions.

And I can't figure out why I can't get my twitter and facebook pages reconnected.

I forgot to mention too that we had fraud on our account, which I still haven't seen that money back and I figured they would have given it back by now, not to mention I didn't really appreciate the way I was treated when I was telling them it was fraud and they weren't readily believing me when they could clearly see that we have had our account with them for 13 years and NEVER lived in Houston, which is what address was on the check! UGH!!! And the homeowners association here in the past year and half has decided to pick on us for whatever reason and I"M STINKING TIRED of it!!! Get a life and pick on some of the other neighbors!!! There are other people living here that need to leave worst than us, we are the quiet keep to ourselves just doesn't make any sense. And why after three years did you just now decide we need to take our basketball goal down, after driving by and telling us about our weeds, and your just now noticing and telling us to take it down??? What is the deal???

So as you can see it's hasn't been the best year, or the worst there has been some good, and hopefully it will get better...

So there I feel better now that I got that all out, now I'm going to try and be positive for a while...

Taylor's birthday is next week!!! I can't believe she's 10. She's getting a phone. I can't believe that either, but I'm kinda excited because now I can call or text and bother her when she's at her friend's house!

Only three weeks til Spring Break!! Then I don't have to work and I can "relax" (whatever that means) a bit before Daphne comes. Her official day is April 5th (but that is subject to change).

And the best part is getting that much closer to her coming and our annual trip to the coast!! Which is the best part of the year if you ask me (okay well, it's in the top ten).

Let's see what else is there to be positive about...Baby Shower is coming up, although I still don't know where in the world I'm going to put all the baby stuff!!
And my bestie from college is coming!! I'm pretty excited about that, so I better stop with this blog and get my house ready for company!!! (I really need to do that for Taylor's sleepover next weekend anyway...)

So I'm off to get some lunch and hopefully get some of my chores done.