Friday, March 28, 2008


So it really is true what they say about March, in like a lion and out like a lamb!!! I can't believe it is the end of March already, I feel like it just started!! We started off with Jeremy's dad in town. Taylor cheered at a Spurs game, they were the pre game show!! It was so fun. Taylor loved staying to watch the game.

Then the next day we went downtown, Jeremy's dad had never been to the Alamo and really wanted to see it, so we treated him to a fun day!!!

Then it was time for Easter Egg Hunt at Church!!

Will was really tired after Egg Hunting, he couldn't even eat his supper!!! I somehow managed to not get a good picture of him egg hunting at the church!! Oh Well!

So next was Spring Break....

We did a lot of fun things on Spring Break, we went to Sea World, we went to the park, we went shopping, and we rested!!
On Saturday before Easter, Taylor and I went to see High School Musical on Ice with Crystal and Anna, and that was a lot of fun!

Then we had Easter.

Drake really enjoyed finding the ones with the chocolate.

And then Monday after Easter, it was back to the routine!!!
And now March is just about over and it's April already!!! Can't wait to see what this month brings....=)

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Can't stay focused today...

I can't stay on one tasked today. I just keep jumping around like crazy trying to get things cleaned out around here. Spring cleaning I guess you could say...
I'm just restless...and very random.....
There's so much that has go on the past couple of weeks that it's hard to know where to start and what to write about and so on and so forth...
Taylor got to cheer at a Spurs game last week, that was a lot of fun, her cheer group was the pre game show and then we got to stay and enjoy the game, which was fun, since I haven't been to a spurs game in like 12 years!! And the Spurs won, which is also much more enjoyable to see your team win!!
Taylor also had her birthday party on Saturday, we did a carnival theme and it was a lot of fun, it turned out to be a big success!! We had a duck pond, bobbing for apples, dart board, ring toss, and a fishing pond. Will's favorite was the fishing pond. All day long he wanted to go fishing and then when we started the games that's the only one he wanted to do!!!
Well time for some more randomness, I am feeling called to get up and get some more chores done. So I will post some pictures of the party in the next couple of days!!!