Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Starting Over

I dislike starting over. I think change is good, but I don't like it. I like things my way and instead of asking for help I just do it all so it will be my way and I don't have to redo it. But I'm tired. I'm not supermom. I wish I was. I wish my house would just stay clean and organized without any effort.
I wish I had more time to blog. to read. to exercise! I know, I know I need to make time, but I don't like change. I want to just sit around and watch tv too much. Mostly I want to reorganize my house, but try do that when you have a nursing baby and 3 kids to take to the doctor, dentist, school, school functions, soccer, church, grandparents, the list just keeps going on and on....
But I am going to try. I am going to work harder. My energy level is coming back....slowly....and I'm trying to reorganize and catch up. I'm not making any promises but I want to blog about my kid's births. And I want to start scrapbooking, and I want to start a new bible study and I want to start a playgroup. Maybe just maybe I can do it all....if I just reorganize some things....