Sunday, November 4, 2012

Exciting things!!

Here are some updates about our family!

Taylor got A-B honor roll her first 9 nine weeks! There are parts she likes about middle school but mostly she hates it :( middle school is hard.
But she did get picked to sing in a children's choir for The Story Tour!! She gets to hang out backstage and meet the artist and she's super excited!!  Jeremy and I get to go to so I need a babysitter for the boys and Daphne if any one is interested...

Will got A honor roll and he's reading on a third grade level! Drake is doing awesome in school too and has completed his goals in speech so I have to go on Friday to find out what happens next.

Will and Drake are busy practicing for Kid's Praise. It's on Dec 2nd at 6 pm! Come hear them! It's a Christmas program this year. :)

So that's all our exciting news for now...more later...;)

Going Back

The holidays are coming fast. Normally, I love the holidays, but this year I'm a little sad for them to come. I haven't even gone to see my grandma since the funeral. I feel like such a bad granddaughter, but the truth is she's not there anymore anyway. And I miss her. And I miss grandpa. And that's why I'm not looking forward to the holidays this year.

Thursday, May 3, 2012


I love my little house. I don't really care for my neighborhood, but do you really know an area before you move to it?? (okay yes sometimes, we would be moving to an area that we have lived before).
Our neighborhood is newish so it is still learning. We are in the beginning stages of thinking about maybe it's time to move to a bigger house. We have and still do discuss how to fit everyone here. Luckily everyone is still little enough that being so close and on top of each other isn't that big of a deal. But Taylor is getting older.... So that being said, these opportunities keep just kinda "falling' in our lap. Coincidence??? Or is God telling us something....
So please pray. We are going to "try" this recent one that has come to our attention. We are going to look and then we will decide if we should move forward. So we will have to figure out what to do with this small house, and I know that if it is fated to happen then with prayer and trust in God it will all be figured out.

Wednesday, February 22, 2012


I lost Will in Walmart the other day. It was terrible. I lost Drake at Sea World, but that was only for like 1 min, and I found him going to the life guard to say he was lost as I was going to the life guard to say I lost him. That was a terrifing moment too, but losing Will was the longest 10 mins of my life....Here's the story, so Will sees a friend and wants to go say hi. I say no, stay with us. So we walk a little further, I turn a corner to look at something and turn around and Will is gone. He went to find his friend, and when he came back to where we were he started wondering in the opposite direction because he didn't know where we went. So I'm running up and down the aisle we turned off of (one of the main aisles) and calling him, and freaking out....I see a Walmart employee and tell them what has happened and they call Code Adam. I'm still freaking and running up and down the aisle. Then Taylor says mom, they're cancelling the Code Adam, and I'm freaking still... up and down pacing, when they come find me, and take me to Will (he was in the jewelry department) I can't say Thank you enough, I want to just hug all the Walmart people! But instead I'm bawling holding my bawling boy...He kept saying I thought you were going to leave without me. As we are finally walking/shopping again, he kept saying this. I stopped in the store and looked him in the eye and told him, I would camp out there before I ever left that store without you to make him understand. He got it.

I've been feeling lost lately. Lonely really. I don't get it. I guess it's the weather? I always wondered how someone could feel so lonely when so many people surround them. But now it happens to me more than it used to and well I really still don't get how I can feel so lonely/down when I have so many people surrounding me. I think it has to do with being liked and I feel really unliked right now. And left out. I know it's not true...But Max's sermons have really helped lately...I will get through this, it won't be easy, it won't be painless....and he brings me through these times for a reason...

Wednesday, February 15, 2012


So Will lost his first tooth!! He's so excited. The tooth fairy left him a dollar and a dollar gold coin. He remembered that is 200 pennies so he keeps saying I have $200 dollars!!! Instead of cents. It's too cute.
So as fast as this year has started, I am already realizing Daphne is almost a year old!!!
In 7 weeks she will turn one.
In about 15 weeks I will have an first grader, second grader, and a SIXTH grader....oh my!!!
Life has started going at race car speed! I remember being 15 and wondering what it all would be like at this age. Then it felt like the years never ended. Now I wish they would slow down!! =)

Sunday, February 5, 2012

Super Bowl Fun!!

We weren't planning on watching the Super Bowl. I had set the TIVO and we were just going to maybe start it late so we could fast forward though the game and just watch the commercials.  We aren't a big football family. Well, any sport really, but we do enjoy a good game. So Jeremy started cooking the chili and I was just going to watch a little bit and pause it, let some time run so I could click through the game to the next commercial set. Then Taylor started talking about how she was going to rout for the Patriots because PawPaw said they were favored to win. I wanted the Giants to win. Soo... Then we started betting, Jeremy joined in and that was that...we had to watch the game!! We started out with a $10 bet. Which turned into a clean the kitchen bet!! I'm so glad the Giants pulled back up there at the end!!! ;)
The halftime show was pretty awesome too!! Madonna's still got it!! A little slower and she lost her footing at one point, but she played it off very well. It was a fun halftime.
The commercials were great too. My favorites were M&M's, the yogurt one with John Stamos, Ferris Buller (Matthew Broderick playing hokey), the vampire party, Elton John Pepsi and The Voice with Betty White!
What were your favorites??

Saturday, January 21, 2012


I always think of the best blog whens I'm driving, and when I finally get home to the computer...I totally forget!!!
I still haven't figured out how to post my updates to facebook unless I actually copy and paste it. That sooo last year though. I did get my phone set up so I can text blog that should be interesting. So anyway my list of things I want to this year...A couple of weeks late. And resolutions...
actually post more blogs
clean out the house
more traveling
drink less soda
take more walks
experience san antonio
more lazy pj days (this won't happen til summer I suppose)
go out for sunday breakfasts
more "me" time

Okay that's all I can think of right now. Especially with a preteen whinning and complaining about chores in one ear and a five year old asking to play this or watch this or eat this in the other....;)